
Line-X Spray-in Bed Liner

spray in bed liners application
Truxx Outfitters is your industry leader in spray-in bed liner services, and we know when a liner is good. We have our own Patented Bed Liner recipe that we have handcrafted to give you the best results, but another great option on the market is Line-X Spray-in bed liner.

During our time as a Line-X dealer, we were impressed with the durability and the protection that Line-X spray-in bed liner was able to offer for your vehicle, even in the harshest of climate conditions and the toughest of expeditions. And much like our spray-in bed liner services, Line-X offers a lifetime warranty, so you know you’re getting something good quality that can remain in that shape for a long time to come.

Line-X is applied by skilled applicators around the country—Truxx applicators included!—and it is a great option if it’s available to you. The application is purposeful and consistent, making it optimally thick for your truck bed’s longevity. Line-X spray-in bed liner is scratch-resistant, slip-resistant, and affordable, making it a great option for anyone who can’t get to a Truxx location and try out our unmatched recipe.

If you’re interested in trying Line-X spray-in bed liner, you can look for dealers here. But if you’re in the DFW Metroplex Area, consider paying us a visit at Truxx Outfitters! Our patented spray-in bed liner recipe is more durable than anything else on the market, and our skilled team in our shop will ensure that you get the best treatment possible. Know that you’re in good hands when you’re with Truxx—contact us today to learn more!